4 Fish Alaska Online
6 Alaska Traveler
8 Creel
10 Fishing for a Compliment
12 Gear Bag
14 Salmon Sense
16 Fly
18 Saltwater
20 Coho Chronicles
22 Flyfishing
24 Conservation
70 Recipe
72 Ad Index
74 Final Drift
On the Cover
Chris Vertopoulos and a solid, spoon-caught coho. © Robert H. Campbell
Simplified Trout Trolling by Andrew Cremata
Lake trout, that is. No downriggers are necessary to catch lakers the way Andrew fishes for them. There are advantages to keeping it simple, and in many of Alaska’s oligotrophic, clear, cold lakes, lakers aren’t always deep, and even when they are, sometimes they’ll rise to a lure far above them.
Sockeyes Outside the Box by Joe Jackson
While angling for Alaska’s state fish may be in a period of low productivity, Alaska’s sockeye salmon fisheries have been in bonanza mode for several years in most parts of the state. Fly guy Joe Jackson fishes for them in the Klutina, the Kenai, and the Russian (Kenai tributary) and explains the different methodologies to be successful in each.
Killer Spoons for Coho by Robert H. Campbell
When they’re on the bite, coho in fresh water are suckers for spoons. Many a Blue Fox Pixee has been cast into Alaska streams, but there are many other spoons that work magic on coho. There is much more to fishing spoons for coho than just casting one out and retrieving it back. Robert Campbell tells you how to use bent metal to mine for silvers.
20 Miles of Remote Southeast Adventures by Terry W. Sheely
Terry Sheely has fished the Angoon area during five different years. Saltwater fishing out of Angoon on the west side of Admiralty Island is spectacular for a variety of species. Salmon, halibut, Pacific cod, rockfish, and even sablefish (black cod) are all available. In fresh water, small stream angling opportunities abound for trout, salmon, and char. Is an Angoon adventure in your future?