February 2016 | Get it Done in the Great Land
Alaska Traveler 6
Editor’s Creel 8
Gear Bag 10
Fish Alaska Online 12
Fishing for a Compliment 14
Tackle Tech 18
Salmon Sense 20
EZ Limits: A Guide’s Angle 22
Fish Alaska Fly 24
Fish Alaska Boats 26
Fish Alaska Saltwater 32
Fish Alaska Stillwater 36
Fish Alaska Recipe 78
Advertiser Index 80
Final Drift 82
Anchorage, Alaska
by Troy Letherman 38
A cosmopolitan center home to more than a quarter of a million people, Anchorage offers the requisite dining, shopping and entertainment highlights one would expect for a city of that size. But Anchorage also offers locals and visitors alike the opportunity to step into a myriad of outdoor experiences without ever leaving town. Here is your comprehensive guide to the sights, tastes and fishing available in Alaska’s largest city.
McFarland’s Floatel: Thorne Bay’s Floating Paradise
by Troy Buzalsky 52
Strategically located in the protected waters of Thorne Bay, McFarland’s Floatel is ideal for do-it-yourself anglers seeking unrivalled scenery, wonderful accommodations, rental boats and a unique blend of activities from crabbing to some of the best fishing on the island. Troy Buzalsky takes us there.
The Holy Grayling
by Jason Rivers 60
Arctic grayling are one of the signature species of the Far North, and here Fairbanks resident Jason Rivers lays out all the information you need to target grayling from the road system near his hometown, including your best bets to target trophy fish.
Three Rivers of the Mulchatna
by Terry W. Sheely 64
Fishing from Bearfoot Adventures’ Kautumn Lodge, contributing editor Terry W. Sheely samples the trout, char and salmon bonanza found in the arterial heart of the under-sung Mulchatna River fishery and its two major tributaries, the Stuyahok and Koktuli rivers.
Gold Rush Fisherman
by Andrew Cremata 72
Skagway is the place where the Alaska/Yukon gold adventure began in 1897, and while there are plenty of places to fish, travelling north along the Klondike Highway makes it easy to follow in the footsteps of Gold Rush miners who were forced to make the journey on foot. Join local author and angler Andrew Cremata for a little flavor of the fishing found here.
COVER / The Northern Lights over a private plane at Lake Hood. © Anthony Madden